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Is your pocket-friendly and energy efficient LED light affecting your health? Yes!

E News

LED lights are easy on the pocket, since they are energy efficient, but there is a down side to using them. Spending long hours under LED lights and bulbs can lead to serious health implications, such as migraines. A March 2019 indicative study by a laboratory based in Delhi, titled Impact of Flicker in LED lights on Human Eye and Health in General, suggests that “exposure to flicker emitted by LED light leads to poor eye health, and its prolonged usage may cause significant problems to human health”. In the study, respondents were exposed to five LED lights from leading manufacturers in the country over a number of days. At the end of nine days, it was found that close to 40 respondents who were exposed to the light complained of headache and eye strain, which was not attributable to any other physical factors. Also, 24% of the total respondents felt stressed, while 22% of respondents felt anxious.

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