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LightAware in the Scotsman

The following letter from LightAware was published in the Scotsman newspaper on 21st September responding to an article in the newspaper by Anna Levin about the loss of dark skies at night and the impact of artificial lighting on the natural world:

Dear Sirs,

Tuesday’s feature by Anna Levin describes how we underestimate the significance of the changes in artificial light on human health and the natural world. What is even less well known is that some people cannot tolerate the new forms of artificial light, including LED, and suffer severe pain and debilitating symptoms when exposed. 

The spread of this lighting has created a shocking form of social exclusion as some people cannot access employment, education, medical care, public transport, social and sporting facilities and even the streets at night.

LightAware, a Scottish-based charity, feels this is unacceptable. We are in touch with people throughout the world who are becoming unable to light their homes and live their lives.


Dr John Lincoln

LightAware Trustee

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