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Government reports

England’s Chief Medical Officer Annual Report, 2017

“At the extreme, the LEDs switch on and off 100 times per second. Some people seem to be very sensitive to this light modulation, resulting in headaches, migraine and less specific feelings of malaise.”

Read More: England’s Chief Medical Officer Annual Report, 2017 →

Light Bulb as default news image

Brightons woman advises people to be LightAware

Anna Levin put her own health conundrum to good use, setting up LightAware to help fellow sufferers and it’s now an award-winning charity.

Read more at:

Read More: Brightons woman advises people to be LightAware →

LightAware gives talk at London ‘Light Meeting’

A LightAware Ambassador summarised how the choice of outdoor and interior LED and modern fluorescent lighting affects people’s health leading sufferers to be excluded from normal social interaction and opportunities.

Read More: LightAware gives talk at London ‘Light Meeting’ →

Light Bulb as default news image

Letter from Kevan Shaw to the Chinese Press

CFLs are without doubt a bad product.

Read More: Letter from Kevan Shaw to the Chinese Press →


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