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About LightAware

Light matters. It affects every aspect of our health and wellbeing and has a profound impact on the environment. 

Artificial lighting has changed dramatically in recent years with the development of new lighting technologies and increasingly stringent legislation based on energy efficiency. 

woman with headache and sore eyes

LED is now used for most lighting needs and will become the only lighting available in future. LED is fundamentally different to previous lighting technology. LEDs emit light at a narrower angle, the light is more concentrated in the centre of the beam, it is made up of a different mix of wavelengths, and any problems in electric circuitry can cause flicker.

This has implications for everyone’s health and wellbeing, including sleep problems from street lighting and the danger of dazzling car headlights. Many who are particularly sensitive can experience pain and ill health when exposed to LED lighting. The widespread rollout of this lighting has resulted in the social exclusion of light-disabled people, many of whom are unable to access many places of employment, recreation, worship, education and health.

LightAware addresses this as a human rights and equality issue. We believe public spaces including buildings and streets should be accessible to all.

We work to enable access by encouraging service providers and businesses to become ‘LightAware’. Like many accessibility issues, attitude and understanding make a big difference. Being ‘LightAware’ means knowing what lighting you have, being willing to listen to someone’s lighting needs and creating a plan to accommodate them.

We offer support and advocacy for people who are suffering adverse effects from artificial lighting in their environment. We also campaign for equality, engaging with all levels of decision-making on lighting, from local councils to national and international legislation.

Our charitable objectives are:

  • To raise awareness about the effects of artificial lighting on human health and wellbeing.
  • To stimulate discussion and investigation into the effects of artificial lighting on human health and wellbeing.
  • The promotion of equality and diversity through encouraging provision of access to civic life for those excluded by sensitivity to artificial lighting.

LightAware was established as a charity in the UK (SC046160) in 2015.

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