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Mission statement

LightAware seeks to raise awareness about the effects of artificial lighting on human health and wellbeing, and to stimulate discussion and investigation into this issue.

Lighting technology has changed dramatically in recent years with the development of new ‘low energy’ lights and the ban on incandescent light bulbs.

But many people experience pain and ill health when exposed to these new forms of lighting. This has resulted in the social exclusion of light-sensitive people, who are unable to access many places of employment, recreation, education and health.

Like many accessibility issues, attitude and understanding make a big difference. We want to enable access to civic life by encouraging service providers and businesses to become ‘LightAware’.

Being ‘LightAware’ means knowing what lighting you have, being willing to listen to someone’s lighting needs and creating a plan to accommodate them.

LightAware aims to become a clear and comprehensive source of information about this under-reported issue. Our website will be a resource for light-sensitive people and for businesses, services and organisations seeking to be fully inclusive.

We also seek to encourage greater scrutiny into this issue, from medics, the media and policy makers.

We believe no one should have to experience pain and suffering just to light their homes and live their lives.

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