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LED Lighting Flicker and Potential Health Concerns: IEEE Standard PAR1789 Update

Wilkins, Veitch, Lehman  – Summary of Report into Voluntary Standard for LED Lighting


The IEEE Standards Working Group, IEEE PAR1789 “Recommending practices for modulating current in High Brightness LEDs for mitigating health risks to viewers” has been formed to advise the lighting industry, ANSI/NEMA, IEC, EnergyStar and other standards groups about the emerging concern of flicker in LED lighting. This paper introduces power electronic designers for LED lighting to health concerns relating to flicker, demonstrates that existing technologies in LED lighting sometimes provide flicker at frequencies that may induce biological human response, and discusses a few methods to consider when trying to mitigate unintentional biological effects of LED lighting. The paper represents on-going work in IEEE PAR1789 that is vital to designing safe LED lamp drivers.

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