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Rising mercury level turns silent killer in Capital

October 25th, 2016

A massive amount of mercury – the toxic element that makes Compact Fluorescent Lamps and bulbs (CFLs) work – may be silently accumulating in the atmosphere thanks to the gross mismanagement of used and broken CFLs.

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Your light bulbs could be playing havoc with your health – here’s why

October 17th, 2016

Our knowledge of how the light bulbs we use can help feed our eyes with the right light is rudimentary at best.

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To improve health, cities are changing their streetlights

September 29th, 2016

Over time, glare from the lights may cause eye damage and distorted vision, while high levels of blue light in LEDs may stunt circadian rhythms

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LED Streetlights Are Giving Neighborhoods the Blues

September 22nd, 2016

The harsh glare of certain blue-rich designs is now thought to disrupt people’s sleep patterns and harm nocturnal animals.

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CIE Research Strategy 2016

August 1st, 2016

A small number of people experience a range of health conditions due to the spectral emission of light sources.

Lancashire Council Meeting

July 27th, 2016

Question on the advert health effects of LED street lighting raised at full council meeting of Lancashire County Council.  “And will he make sure that a full investigation of the risks and mitigating effects is explored to protect the health of Lancashire’s residents and wildlife before any further roll out of LED street lights across […]

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Blue-blocking glasses may help treat bipolar disorder

July 26th, 2016

If you have bipolar disorder, depression or trouble sleeping, it may help to wear amber-tinted glasses at night, new research suggests.

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Filaments – the porno of the lamp world

July 25th, 2016

People love the reassuring glow of incandescent.

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Filaments – the porno of the lamp world

July 25th, 2016

Lux Review People love the reassuring glow of incandescent.  Link:

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ASK THE DOCTOR: Flicker and why it hertz

July 13th, 2016

Q: What is flicker and how do I avoid it?

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