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The future’s orange: City considers amber street lights

LUX Your Independent Guide to Lighting 

AS LOCAL authorities all over the world move to white LED street lighting, one community at least is considering bucking the trend.

The city of Dunedin, the second largest on the south island of New Zealand, is exploring the possibility of installing amber LED lighting which will look similar to the current low-pressure sodium lighting.

City councillors have watched a demonstration of amber LED and will now have to decide on whether to choose white or amber in the coming months. The authority has set aside NZ$12million (USD$8.8 million, EUR 7.1 million) for the 10-year LED street lighting programme.

The decision comes at a time of heightened concern about the possible deleterious effects of white LED street lights on wellbeing. This week, the UK government’s health watchdog for England, Public Health England, was moved to dampen news reports about glare and the effect of blue light from LED street lights on the retina.

Leading the push for amber LEDs in Dunedin is local Dark Skies Group member Michael Broughton, who campaigns against light pollution.

Click here for link to full article 

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