March 8th, 2023
As today (the 8th of March) is International Women’s Day, I thought it appropriate to write a short piece about the impact of light sensitivity on women. Many more women than men contact LightAware about health problems caused by LED lighting. Because lights are now switched on most of the time both inside and outside […]
December 14th, 2022
I can’t leave my house once the sun goes down because all lamp posts which were previously
sodium and emitted a warm, soft orange glow are now LED and emit a harsh, cold laser-like white
light. All car head lights are now LED too and these are unfortunately also on all day and night
November 3rd, 2022
“Council officers have decided that imprisoning me in my home on a permanent basis or inducing 3 day long debilitating migraines is a reasonable price for me to pay to allow the business to have LED lit signage on in daylight”
September 8th, 2022
This is my favourite time of year and my favourite time of day: an early summer’s evening. I walk by the river feeling a sense of space as if the long light stretches time. Dusk is falling gently, almost imperceptibly: a note of cool in the warm air, the flicker of a bat and a […]
July 25th, 2022
The walk along the seaside to work was a beautiful sunrise of pinks, oranges and yellows. It was high tide, so I pulled off my shoes and walked through the water, the waves splashing up to my knees. I reached the health store and opened up, turned on the lights and soon the customers started […]
June 17th, 2022
Last week I was watching a lecture by Professor Arnold Wilkins on YouTube. He is an expert on the effects of lighting flicker on the brain. About 3 minutes in, he spoke about flicker from 100 and 120 hz fluorescent lighting, causing eye strain and headaches and interfering with eye movements. He went on to […]
April 28th, 2022
Just over a year ago I was driving back from Cumbria to Edinburgh. Just after leaving the M74, a Porsche SUV with LED headlights at the same height as my rear window approached from behind me, then followed me at a distance of about twenty yards. The glare from these headlights in my rear-view mirror […]
March 31st, 2022
“Light-sensitive” is a peculiar term. It makes me think of delicate Victorian maidens, twirling parasols and preserving their pale and interesting complexions under large-brimmed hats. Or, there’s that other role model: tall, cadaverous, pointy-toothed, with a fondness for sleeping in coffins. Sometimes the expression seems to convey merely mild and entirely manageable discomfort, as when […]
March 7th, 2022
A few months ago I was complaining that the most visible result of the introduction of LED lighting to ‘save the planet’ seemed to be increased night-time illumination of the whole country, from forests in the Highlands to parks and gardens in towns and cities. A LightAware supporter told me that this was a result […]
January 28th, 2022
Human beings often show kindness and compassion to their light-sensitive fellows; but their good intentions can be hamstrung by moronically designed lighting technology. It’s July 2019 and I’m feeling nervous but hopeful. I’ve got an appointment with an immunologist who is a specialist In Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), a newly identified immune system disorder. […]