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Information sheets

Every person who struggles with sensitivity to artificial lighting faces the challenge of navigating ‘normal life’, such as accessing public buildings, employment and healthcare.

Building venue managers and service providers seeking to assist with social inclusion are also challenged by the widespread lack of awareness and information about lighting, and the complexity of the subject matter and legislation.

LightAware offers information sheets, which can be downloaded (below) or posted out on request (

As well as informing individuals and employers, our fact sheets have been requested by government agencies and local councils for guidance on accessibility.

External and security LED lighting

Guidance on the issues involved in external and security LED lighting. An explanation of some of the issues which may cause accessibility problems.

Ensuring access to healthcare

Guidance for people who are having problems accessing healthcare due to the artificial lighting in the premises. Also to visit and care for friends and family in healthcare environments.

Your Rights at Work

Guidance for people suffering because of artificial lighting at work to help them to remain in employment. The information is also to assist colleagues, managers and HR departments wanting to improve accessibility in the workplace.

Making Buildings Accessible

Guidance on some of the current issues with recent lighting technologies in order to help organisations make their buildings more accessible, both for employees and for those visiting the premises.

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