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LED street lights can damage eyes and cause sleep problems, health officials warn

Global News

LED street lights are proven to be cheaper for cities, and more environmentally friendly, but health officials in Britain are warning that they also could have adverse health effects on travellers.

Public Health England warned this week that the street lights can disrupt sleep, resulting in a “permanent jet lag.” The blue colour of the lights can also result in damage to the retina.

It added that the “uncomfortable” effects of the lights are especially pronounced in the elderly, or those with preexisting eye conditions.

This isn’t the first time concerns have been raised over LED street lights. A similar warning was issued by the Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) in May 2017. 

“Many streets and roadways in Canada are changing their approach to lighting,” the release read.

It added that while policymakers shouldn’t ignore the lights’ benefits, they should give more thought to adverse health effects.

“Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends they should also attempt to choose lighting and lighting distribution that reduces light pollution and glare.”

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