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LightAware Presentation in Santiago Chile

On 21st November 2023 LightAware Trustees Dr John Lincoln and Eleanor Levin gave a presentation to an academic symposium about the impact of light on health. The event was hosted by the Catholic University of Chile’s Department of Design and Architecture.  The LightAware Trustees attended the meting by internet.  Dr John Lincoln spoke of the different aspects of LED lighting which can cause health problems and the various medical conditions which are affected by LED.  Eleanor Levin spoke of how light disability affects the lives of suffers and the importance of continuing access to incandescent lighting.  She also shared some tips for how architects and designers could design buildings with accessibility in mind.

Other speakers on the day spoke on subjects such as, the right to light, workplace fatigue, light and mental health. and improving sleep and circadian rhythms. It is really good to see these wide ranging discussions happening in an academic context and it was good to be able to share LightAware’s perspective with our colleagues in Chile.

LightAware is on at 1:00:22

Eleanor Levin

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