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Media release: Halogen bulb ban leaves light sensitive people in the dark

Light-sensitive people’s lives have been severely affected by the banning of incandescent light bulbs and the introduction of LED lighting. Many cannot tolerate LED lighting and suffer pain and ill health when exposed to it. Some sufferers have already lost their jobs due to lighting in the workplace and are terrified by the phasing out halogen bulbs from 1 October.

The legislation banning halogen bulbs contains an exemption for those who can’t tolerate LED lighting by allowing them to access alternatives on prescription. But this only provides for lighting at home, leaving light-sensitive people at risk of social isolation and unable to access essential services or employment.

The charity LightAware ( believes that this ban amounts to disability discrimination against light-sensitive people. We are calling on the UK government to allow employers and service providers to make reasonable adjustments to allow light sensitive people to access employment and essential services. LightAware trustee Dr John Lincoln said

We are hearing from many light-sensitive people who are extremely worried about this new legislation. For some, halogen light bulbs are the only remaining source of light they can tolerate and this legislation will leave them unable to access work, education, healthcare, places of recreation and worship. It’s a long-term lockdown with no end in sight, and LightAware believes it is an infringement of human rights to participate in society”.

For further information contact John Lincoln at

Notes to editors:


LightAware is a charity which was founded in 2015 to respond to the needs of those whose lives and health have been profoundly affected by the ban on incandescent lighting and the development of new forms of light, including LED technology. LightAware’s charitable objectives are:

  • To raise awareness about the effects of artificial lighting on human health and wellbeing
  • To stimulate discussion and investigation into the effects of artificial lighting on human health and
  • To promote equality and diversity through encouraging provision of access to civic life for those excluded by sensitivity to artificial lighting.

New Lighting Regulations 2021

The new lighting regulations aimed at improving energy efficiency came into force on the 1st of September 2021 in the EU, with one combined regulation for the UK being implemented on 1st October 2021.

In the UK The Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products and Energy Information (Lighting Products) Regulations 2021 sets more stringent minimum efficiency thresholds on light sources to improve energy efficiency. These regulations will have the long-term effect of banning all types of lighting apart from LED.

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