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MEP Marian Harkin asks Written Question on Potential Risks to Human Health due to LEDs

On 24th August 2017 the Irish MEP Marian Harkin asked the following question to the European Commission:

In its response to Written Question E-002074/2017  the Commission stated that the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) is to provide a scientific opinion focusing on the potential risks to human health of LEDs. The Commission also affirmed that it would thoroughly review the opinion once it is published, and that it would consider any appropriate follow-up on the basis of its findings. In light of the fact that LEDs could constitute 90% of the market by 2020, can the Commission clarify whether any further research will be done on:

  1. Cumulative exposure over a 24-hour period;
  2. The reported effects of long-term, low-level exposure on age-related macular degeneration;
  3. The population groups which are sensitive to blue light and whose natural mechanisms for filtering it are diminished.

Click here for link to full text


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