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LightAware survey into LED streetlighting in the UK

120 Councils have now responded to the LightAware’s Freedom of Information request for details of the changes to LED streetlighting, and the results have been analysed by the LightAware team. They show that few councils have properly considered the health and environmental impacts of the introduction of LED street lighting. Our full report will be available on the LightAware website in January.

The Freedom of Information request was sent to to all councils in England and Scotland in Autumn 2019 to find out more about  public consultation, impact assessments, investment and the type of LED lighting installed. We asked about:

  • The reasons for the introduction of LED street lighting, whether residents were consulted and whether it was piloted.
  • Assessments carried out before its introduction, including, safety, health disability, equalities and environmental impact.
  • The level of investment and the types of LED lighting introduced
  • Steps councils have taken to mitigate the known and serious problems (relating to health and road and public safety) of glare and flicker that are associated with LED street lighting.

The spread of new lighting has resulted in the social exclusion of light-sensitive people. LightAware is particularly concerned about the widespread rollout of LED street lighting, which has resulted in those unable to tolerate this form of lighting being no longer able to access the streets after dark.
Our intention is to raise awareness among decision-makers about the serious impact that LED street lighting is having on the lives of light-sensitive people.

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