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LightAware in The Guardian newspaper

LightAware have contributed a letter to a debate in the UK’s Guardian newspaper, entitled ‘Don’t Let the EU turn out the Stage Lights.’ 

Having already banned traditional incandescent bulbs, the  EU ban on lighting is extending to mains tungsten halogen lamps, most compact fluorescent lamps and T8 linear fluorescent. The  draft document is currently under consideration and due for implementation in 2020. This draft also removes many of the categories of special purpose lamps including those for theatrical lighting and for people with photo sensitivities. 

‘Save Stage Lighting’ are campaigning against the ban on incandescent stage lighting, saying that it will make it impossible to light professional and amateur theatre performances across the Europe.

LightAware comment that the problems with the ban are much wider causing huge pain and social exclusion for those who are unable to tolerate the new lighting technologies.

Click here for to read the full text

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