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LightAware view on LED and sleep problems in the Guardian newspaper

On 30th September the Guardian newspaper published an article which cited concerns about an increase in children’s sleep disorders:

“…the rise was partly down to technology and the fact that the blue light from screens suppresses the production of the sleep hormone, making it harder to fall asleep. “We are increasingly seeing families where both parents are out working and this can mean that bedtime becomes later, bedtime routines may be rushed or abandoned altogether,” “

Click here for link to article

“LightAware responded with our concern that the problem of blue light affecting sleep may also be linked to the use of LED for general and street lighting:

Although the increase in social media use on LED screens is a major issue, the increasing dominance of LED lighting in the home, in schools and for street lighting is also likely to be contributing to insomnia.

Most of the light produced by LED lighting is at exactly the blue wavelength that suppresses melatonin.

Children’s eyes are more transparent to blue light, so more of it reaches their retinas. This will continue to add to the sleeplessness crisis in developed countries if LED lighting becomes more widely used.”

Click here for link to letter

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