LightAware Card


A credit-sized card for light-sensitive people to bring with them when accessing public spaces. The card is free but we welcome a donation if you are able.

SKU: N/A Category:


Text on card front:
The holder of this card is sensitive to artificial light. As with any accessibility issue your understanding and cooperation can make a big difference.

Text on the back:
Please Be LightAware
Be willing to switch off artificial lighting
Let the holder pass through quickly to minimise exposure to lighting
Please allow the holder to use your toilet. Many toilets are inaccessible to light sensitive people
Listen to the person’s needs: people are affected in diverse ways by different forms of lighting
Please adapt lighting whenever possible to the person’s access requirements

Also available in German.

The card is free but we welcome a donation if you are able. Please note that while stocks are low we are only able to give up to 2 cards per customer.

Additional information


English, German