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Visibility, Environmental, and Astronomical Issues Associated with Blue-Rich White Outdoor Lighting

International Dark-Sky Association

“Most of the research evidence concerning adverse effects of lighting on human health concerns circadian rhythm disruptions and breast cancer. The blue portion of the spectrum is known to interfere most strongly with the human endocrine system mediated by photoperiod, leading to reduction in the production of melatonin, a hormone shown to suppress breast cancer growth and development. A
direct connection has not yet been made to outdoor lighting, nor particularly to incidental exposure (such as through bedroom windows) or the blue component of outdoor lighting, but the potential link is clearly delineated. Concerning effects on other living species, little research has examined spectral issues; yet where spectral issues have been examined, the blue component is more commonly indicated to have particular impacts than other colors (e.g., on sea turtles and insects). Much more research is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn in many areas, but the evidence is strong enough to suggest a cautious approach and further research before a widespread change to white lighting gets underway.”

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